2020. 2. 26. 12:00ㆍ카테고리 없음
Integration of AutoFEM Analysis with ShipConstructorBased on AutoCAD, ShipConstructor is the leading software product for ship design and ship building, adopted worldwide. ShipConstructor provides the tools needed to design, model and prepare production documentation for any type of vessel, be it a ship, a submarine or an offshore platform.In the course of designing a vessel or an offshore structure, it is necessary to verify its strength and stiffness characteristics, preferably using Finite Element Analysis. Thanks to direct integration of AutoFEM Analysis and AutoCAD, ShipConstructor users can now use apply AutoFEM to transparently run FEA analysis of ShipConstructor models.As of AutoFEM Analysis v2.2, the integration with ShipConstructor is complete. The ShipConstructor 2014 stock catalogue supports the mechanical properties of materials needed for FEA, and AutoFEM reads the full model topology directly, including:Names of parts. Names of AutoCAD layers (for parts in the current document).
Data about the material (name, grade, etc.). If the user has not specified thee, they will be taken from the native AutoFEM Analysis materials library, using a name matching technique.Settings of integration with ShipConstructorShipConstructor parts and all related information are acquired by AutoFEM Analysis, andif needed, ShipConstructor materials are name-matched with materials in the AutoFEM library.Calculation example of a ShipConstructor AssemblyDetailed article about joint work of AutoFEM & Shipconstructor (pdf)AutoFEM Analysis & ShipConstructor Software: Working Together. Shipbuilding relates to the field of industrial activity, in which, in addition to developing the project, taking into account all the details, design calculations for strength, stability, and dynamic effects plays an important role. The techniques of finite element analysis(FEM) has become the principal tool of modern engineers who use computer-aided design (CAD). FEA has been actively developed during the past 50 years and its development has gained new impetus with the emergence and spreading of available computer-aided design systems (CAD-systems).The ShipConstructor suite of products has been deliberately designed to match standard industry processes, terminology and concepts of modern shipbuilding. With technology designed to scale up to the largest shipbuilding projects, associative and parametric ship specific 3D modeling capabilities, and industry specific production output that promotes modular construction, ShipConstructor truly thinks shipbuilding.
AutoCAD provides the underlying CAD engine and drafting tools for ShipConstructor products. More information about the ShipConstructor software can be found at www.SSI-corporate.com.AutoFEM Analysis is a comprehensive system of finite-element analysis, which, like ShipConstructor, uses AutoCAD as its geometry modeling kernel. Parameter 'Edge length'Parameter 'Curvature'Normally, the system offers too large size of the finite element of mesh. User should define acceptable size of the finite element using a special slider (Edge length) or typing the value in the text box.For 3D models, which have in their composition round or cylindrical geometrical elements, often is useful to increase the accuracy of curve elements representation.Flag 'Thin-walled structure (regular)' enables a meshing procedure that uses simplified quality control of mesh elements. If the 'Mesh quality' parameter is set to 'Dis', the mesh will be generated on the basis of the initial PLC model with minimal modifications (usually it looks like a 'regular' mesh with square cells). Such meshes contain fewer elements and may be used to compute thin-walled structures, but also in cases where a reduced size mesh is desired.If mesh generation should fail, AutoFEM will throw an error message and identify the points and/or geometry area in question.
The user can then resolve the problem in the 3D model or exclude the 'bad' object(s) from the finite-element study.Indicating the location of a problem point on the 3D modelNodal coupling tolerance is user controlled, very useful in the case of surface models built on wireframes, which generally exhibit small gaps between surface edges.A gap in the mesh modelRemoving the gaps by increasing the node coupling toleranceWhen analysing large ShipConstructor models, it may be that model or element constraints prove inadequate and the model or an element become unbalanced. AutoFEM will then stop calculations and open the following diagnostic message dialogs:Diagnostic message of unbalanced systemThe 'Stabilize the unfixed model' tool and its option are found in the Study Properties dialogOften, the option 'Stabilize the unfixed model' helps find inadequately constrained objects or successfully perform the calculation.The two main methods for the solution of systems of equations are direct and iterative. AutoFEM Analysis will automatically attempt to select the most efficient method for the analysis at hand. If the number of equations exceeds the maximum set in the Processor settings (default 100,000), the iterative method is used for solving. If smaller, the direct method is used. The user can control this choice by defining selection parameters, or by selecting the desired method just prior to launching the analysis.Selecting the system of equation solving method and number of equations thresholdGeneral recommendations and criteria apply to the choice one method or the other.The first criterion is the power of the computer system. The iterative method requires less RAM than the direct method.Other criteria are the quality of the finite-element mesh and the 'thickness' of the problem.The direct method is based on the Gauss method and its evolutions, and carries out a full-matrix inversion requiring large amounts of RAM.
Calculation time increases as N 3, where N =' number 'of equations.Usually the direct method works well and it is preferable when one has:. A relatively small equation system or a powerful computer system (x64-platform, min 8Gb ram) allowing to invert the FE matrix in RAM (as opposed to using disc swapping). Problems with up to 1.5 -2 million degrees of freedom generally constitute a 'thin' 3D model, and are generally solvable by the direct method. many of the meshelements are 'stretched' (very high aspect ratio). the study has contact restrictionsThe iterative method's main advantage over the iterative method is its low RAM requirement, which is comparable to the amount of RAM needed for the initial stiffness matrix location. Therefore, even relatively weak computer system (such as an office computer with Windows 32-bit operational system and no more than 3GB RAM) may solve systems of up to 1 million equations or so. On the other hand, performance depends on certain properties of tetrahedral finite elements, such as aspect ratio.
And, the more such elements there are, the more solution time will increase, too. Then, the iterative method usually works well and is preferred when one has:. a good quality mesh where element aspect ratio is less than 8-4 and only few stretched elements. 'thick' model, meaning that there are several layers of tetrahedral elements per section.
The study has no contact restrictions.A 'thick' finite element model: there are several layers of the finite elements. The Iterative method works better than the direct method for medium and large models.A 'thin' finite element model.The mesh consists of one or two layers of finite elements. The direct method works better than the iterative method, especially if mesh quality is poor (many high aspect ratio mesh elements).Some ShipConstructor parts, such as pipes, do not have corresponding 3D solid geometry in their ShipConstructor drawing. The user will then export such parts to DWG file, and then simulate them as ordinary after which AutoFEM will treat them as generic AutoCAD objects.ShipContstructor Pipes do not have 3D solid geometry and cannot be used directly in FEAFEA carried out on exported ShipConstructor Pipe parts.
HullHull combines purpose-built shipbuilding specific surfacing technology and the simplicity of working inside of AutoCAD. This brings together the best of two worlds. It allows for easy and intuitive creation and manipulation of complex surface models while also allowing the freedom to use standard AutoCAD drafting techniques.Hull provides powerful features such as surface-surface intersection, surface trimming, plate expansion, structural section definition, shell expansion, shell stringer definition, offset book printing, and pin jig drawing generation. The data designed in the external hull production model flows freely into the Structure product.StructureStructure offers rapid 3D production detailing of internal hull structure. It combines aspects of both associative and parametric 3D modeling but is tailored specifically to the design of ships and offshore structures.
Accurate and intelligent 3D project models can be created very quickly utilizing a cross section of shipbuilding specific capability and native AutoCAD tools.MarineDraftingIn a world of 3D design and manufacturing, many activities still need to be supported with 2D drawings during design and throughout the shipyard. Using shipyard standards, MarineDrafting allows the creation of 2D approval and workshop drawings directly from the 3D model.
These drawings are created in AutoCAD DWG format and remain associatively linked to the 3D model as changes happen.WeldManagementWeldMangement is a production and management system for structural welds in ShipConstructor. This product provides the ability to fully customize weld symbols and standards. It also provides the ability to develop a weld schedule for each particular project. Once welds have been defined in the project (including automatic identification and weld path generation) configurable weld reports can be generated for any assembly, or for the entire project.Nest (as of ShipConstructor 2019, includes, and )Nesting is tightly integrated into the central project database, providing features to nest by assembly, stock, material, surface treatment, port/starboard, like/mirror cut, and full remnant control. Nest provides standard tools to align parts and insert bridges. As of ShipConstructor 2019, the ManualNest, AutomaticNest and ProfileNest capabilities are included with Nest.ProfileNest (as of ShipConstructor 2019, included with Nest)ProfileNest performs linear nesting of profiles onto available stock to optimize utilization and streamline production, including available and used stock control, heat number tracking, and full production reports.NC-PyrosNC-Pyros reliably creates NC-Code for any type of NC-cutting machine: oxy-fuel, plasma, laser, water-jet, or router.
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The integration with the product model automatically feeds back important information such as estimated cutting time, processing date, and operator name. This completes report data and simplifies any recalls. NC-Pyros-Bevel allows for adding variable angle cut and multi-torch weld preparation to NC-Pyros.OUTFITTING PRODUCTS.
Pipe (as of ShipConstructor 2019, includes, and )Pipe is a complete production design package for pipe systems. Its pipe modeling capability is spec-driven based on a user-defined parametric catalog of pipe stocks and standards with logical connections between parts in the model. It features a powerful constraint based modeling system which allows intuitive changes to existing piping systems. Pipe spools can be defined which are carried over into production for the creation of spool drawings and inclusion in the build strategy for pre-outfitting. As of ShipConstructor 2019, the former PipeLink, P&ID Design Validation and PipeSupports products are included as capabilities within Pipe.PipeLink (as of ShipConstructor 2019, included with Pipe)PipeLink allows the piping systems within a ShipConstructor project to be used within other business processes, and applications. This is accomplished through an export to the PCF format from within a ShipConstructor production drawing.P&ID DesignValidation (as of ShipConstructor 2019, included with Pipe)P&ID DesignValidation allows for the checking and validation of the ShipConstructor 3D pipe model against 2D schematics generated in standalone P&ID software including AutoCAD P&ID.
The validation is performed using neutral formats in order to allow clients more flexibility in the choice of P&ID software.PipeSupports (as of ShipConstructor 2019, included with Pipe)PipeSupports offers parametric design of supports based on shipyard standards. Supports are associated with pipe and pipe hangers as well as foundation structure to constrain and automatically adapt to design changes as the project progresses.
The ability to generate support fabrication drawings linked to the model provides a smooth transition from engineering to production.HVACHVAC (Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning) integrates with all of the other ShipConstructor modules and encourages collaboration between departments. HVAC can be based on a parametric catalog of stocks or can be driven by on-the-fly item creation depending on the client’s needs. The software employs the same constraint based modeling engine used in Pipe.ElectricalElectrical is a 3D modeling and production system for wireways, cable trays, supports, cables and transits.
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It features an associative 3D model connecting allocated space to individual wireways, cable trays, supports and subsequent cables. Associative production documentation can be generated from the model including cable pull schedules and reports. The cables within the model are automatically routed within the ShipConstructor environment according to EMC ratings, minimum bend radius and more.EquipmentEquipment provides the ability to insert any type of equipment item into a ShipConstructor model. The equipment items can be modeled in almost any modeling software, including directly in AutoCAD, and then incorporated into the ShipConstructor database. At this point, HVAC and Pipe connections are added as well as production specific attribute information. Once standards have been defined they are ready to be placed in the model.PenetrationsPenetrations allow the creation of intelligent penetrations through structural members.
The parametric spec-based penetration standards support features such as multi-pipe (and HVAC) penetrations and penetration accessory items.ProductHierarchyProductHierarchy is the hub within a project for production preparation. The build strategy is the primary product hierarchy, which defines the assembly sequence for the project. Every part produced in each of the various modules has a place in the build strategy. Planning and scheduling departments define the build strategy to optimize the logical sequence of assembly based on production capabilities together with need-by and procurement dates. All ShipConstructor production output functions are driven by the build strategy, allowing for near-automatic generation of production drawings.ReportShipConstructor provides a flexible, powerful tool for generating non-graphical production information. The Report module allows for the definition of complex production detail reports that can be generated from the central project database on demand.
With advanced features such as grouping, sorting, summary fields and full control over the visual aspects of the report, this tool provides the means to extract the information required for the entire team. Any report can be exported to formats such as Microsoft Excel for further calculationand analysis.WORKSHARE PRODUCTS.
WorkShare is a suite of tools & products to facilitate collaboration and the reuse of existing work. Capabilities include the ability to reuse targeted portions of existing 3D models, the ability to reuse entire blocks or systems along with the associated assembly information and production drawings, and the ability to implement distributed design of an entire project.WorkShare ProjectWorkShare Project allows work on a single ShipConstructor project model at multiple locations. This is accomplished by using technology to merge distributed design back into a single 3D project model.WorkShare DesignWorkShare Design allows portions of a 3D project model, including assembly sequence, related production drawings and the underlying design intent to be captured and reused in another ShipConstructor project.WorkShare ModelWorkShare Model allows you to transfer individual parts (not units) across different projects. This allows you to replicate elements of the 3D model at granular level of detail.